2020 Fiesta 5K Ole Beneficiary


AtWork! is a highly supportive and innovative conduit between people with disabilities and businesses in the community. We focus as much on the business’s needs as on the job seeker’s needs to create jobs that are valuable, meaningful, and deliver a measurable benefit to everyone involved. When placing people in new positions, AtWork! provides customized and continuous on-site training and support to ensure that both the employee and the business achieve or surpass the results they expect.


Supported Employment is a service where people with disabilities are assisted with obtaining and maintaining employment. AtWork! provides an Employment Consultant to match qualified candidates to the needs of the employer. We support the job candidates through the application process, interviewing, on-boarding, training, retention of employment, as well as on-going career growth. The Employment Consultant also provides training and support to co-workers and supervisors on disability related topics as well as how best to work with the employee.



We believe that everyone – including people with disabilities – can benefit from the transformative power of employment. Our team works with individuals one-on-one to find the right job for their talents, abilities, and interests. With a provided Employment Consultant, we focus on one thing; aiding in successful employment.


Everyone needs community. Finding people with similar interests, giving back to others, and realizing your potential for growth are important aspects to living life to the fullest at any age. That’s why here at AtWork!, we’re pioneers in developing independent community connections with Community Inclusion.


AtWork!’s School-to-Work program works closely with our community school districts, students, and families. We connect with students early, while they are still in their high school transition program, and assist them with obtaining paid employment prior to graduation. We provide customized, one-on-one coaching for students to be successful in obtaining and keeping a job.


Diversity. Economic Value. A More Positive Workplace.

AtWork! believes in finding jobs for everyone who wants to work. We need more employers of all sizes to partner with us, to make a difference and to reap the benefits of a wonderful, mutually beneficial relationship. When you partner with AtWork!, you’ll receive:

A TRANSFORMATIVE RELATIONSHIP FOR ALL: Hiring people with disabilities benefits the workers, the community, and your company.

INCREASED MARKET SHARE: Reflecting diversity in your workplace with appeal to your customers. People with disabilities and their families make up a huge selection of the market and they enjoy doing business with supportive companies.

IMPROVED PRODUCTIVITY: Effective job matching fits the employee’s abilities to the employer’s needs. The right person for the right job makes everyone more productive.

REDUCED TURNOVER: May repetitive or entry-level positions are well suited for people with disabilities.

IMPROVED MORAL: People with disabilities want to work and contribute. They are motivated and reliable workers who will add value to any team. Their enthusiasm and positive attitudes are contagious.

HIGHER RETENTION: People with disabilities are reliable and dependable workers. They have some of the highest rates of retention of any employee group.

LOW INVESTMENT, HIGH RETURN: There is no additional cost to you the business, other than the employee’s wages. All of our services are free to employers.

If you’re interested in hiring a person with disabilities at your company, or know someone who needs our services, connect with us at: 

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